- Yoshi's Crafted World Weighing Acorns Red Coins Today
- Yoshi's Crafted World Weighing Acorns Red Coins Price
- Yoshi's Crafted World Weighing Acorns Red Coins 2017
Yoshi's Crafted World Weighing Acorns. After getting the 15th red coin, aim at the acorns stacked in the background. It will reveal a yellow gift box with one red coin. World: Acorn Forest. Feb 18, 2019 Sign me up! Nintendo finally gave me the chance to play it, though only for about 20 torturously short minutes, and so far, I can confidently say that Yoshi’s new adventure will be nothing if not endlessly charming. The hook of Yoshi’s Crafted World is that it’s a left-to-right 2D platformer that mixes in some 3D gameplay elements.
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Yoshi's Crafted World Guide & Walkthrough
- Yarrctopus Docks
- Big paper peak
- Pastel pathway
- Cardstock carnival
- Chilly-hot isles
- Dino Desert
- Acorn forest
- Ninjarama
- Rumble jungle
- Cheery valley
- Shadowville

This section of the Guide Yoshi crafted World is devoted to the level of ” Weighing acorns“. You will discover here the location of all the smiley flowers, red coins, Poochy Pups and finds.
Yoshi Crafted World – Weighing acorns Front side
Yoshi's Crafted World Weighing Acorns Red Coins Today
Organic mouse: In the background at the bus shelter to build.
Shy guy acorn 1: Near a tree in the background at the very beginning of the level.

Shy guy acorn 2: Hooked to a branch on the top left of the position of the very first butterfly of the level.
Shy guy acorn 3: In the foreground after the second flower of care, at the level of the second butterfly of the zone.
Yoshi's Crafted World Weighing Acorns Red Coins Price
Shy guy acorn 4: In the background at the bus shelter under construction.
Shy guy acorn 5: In the foreground in front of the exit of the level.
Yoshi Crafted World – Weighing acorns Flip side
Wooden lion: In the background during the second cable car ride.
Weighing Acorns is the first level of Acorn Forest and the twenty-third level overall of Yoshi's Crafted World. In this level, Yoshi must use acorns to balance scales.
Overview[edit]Front side[edit]To start with, there is a Donguri Heyho, an acorn-wearing Shy Guy who rolls toward Yoshi. After that, there are Pinecones which fall out of a tree and roll toward Yoshi. There are then two regular Shy Guys, two flat flowers that can be used as platforms, and a Flutter. Flutters fly about an area happily and peacefully, but become red, angry, and faster if Yoshi attacks them. Below the pink flower platform is a small circle of coins with a hidden Winged Cloud in the center Yoshi can hit to make two small groups of coins appear above the white and pink flower platforms, with a Red Coin in the middle of each. Yoshi can also use the Flutter to ride up to four more regular coins and one more red coin. Ahead of this, to the right, there is a pipe dispensing Shy Guys. Yoshi must throw an egg at one of the nearby bushes to enter the background, where there is a large scale with an Acorn Owl in the right pan. Yoshi can move the acorn to the left pan to better balance the scale and move on. At the top of the scale, there are two small groups of coins with a red coin in the middle of each. Just to the right, there is a Winged Cloud. If Yoshi hits it, coins fly into the foreground, where Yoshi must head next. Here, there is a roulette block allowing Yoshi to get one or three eggs. To the right, there is a perfectly balanced scale, with an Acorn Owl in each pan. To the right, above a Shy Guy, there is a Winged Cloud containing five hearts. Pinecones drop down above the scale. Up to the left, there is a small scale with a wooden owl. Yoshi can put an Acorn Owl in the pan to lower the wooden owl, revealing a Smiley Flower. To the right, around a couple of Shy Guys, is a hidden Winged Cloud Yoshi can hit to make coins appear in the shape of a flower, with a few red coins among them. At the top of this section is another area complete with flower platforms, Shy Guys, and a Flutter. In the right corner is a roulette block allowing Yoshi to get one coin, three eggs, or a 10-Coin. There is a Winged Cloud nearby Yoshi can hit to make three more small groups of coins appear, with a red coin in the middle of each. Yoshi can use the Flutter to ride up to some coins and a Smiley Flower. To the right of this area is a wooden house, with a small group of coins above it with a red coin in the middle. Yoshi then needs to hop into a scale and ride down. There are but a few Fly Guys and coins to collect along the way, as well as a red coin. If Yoshi gets out of the scale, it stops and starts moving backward until he gets back in. After this section is a Winged Timer Cloud. If Yoshi hits it, three clouds drop down in the foreground, with a Smiley Flower behind the middle cloud. The screen then flips, and the clouds start moving around. Yoshi must keep track of the cloud hiding the Smiley Flower, hit the cloud, then hit the flower to collect it before time runs out. Just after this is the first Checkpoint Bell. The next, vertical section has pinecones rolling down in pairs. At the very top and to the right, where the pinecones drop, is a Smiley Flower. On the way down, there is a red coin and a hidden Winged Cloud containing five hearts. At the bottom is another Winged Cloud. If Yoshi hits it, coins fly out. There is also a stack of acorns atop a stump in the background. Yoshi can hit one of the acorns to knock them all down, revealing a present box containing multiple coins as well as one red coin. In the next area, there are white flower platforms, Shy Guys, and a Flutter. In the middle, there is a Winged Timer Cloud. If Yoshi hits it, five apples appear in the area. If Yoshi collects all of them in the given time, a Smiley Flower appears in a circle of coins. Yoshi can ride the Flutter up to two small groups of coins, with a red coin in the middle of each. A small trail of coins then appears to the right, leading Yoshi down to the second Checkpoint Bell. Near the second checkpoint is an Egg Block. To the right is a broken bus stop. To repair it, Yoshi must find and return the four pieces in the background. To enter the background, Yoshi must throw an egg at a large popsicle stick gate. Once Yoshi enters the background, he can head left to find a roulette block, allowing him to get one coin, one heart, ten coins, or five hearts. The first bus stop part is located at the very bottom right corner of this vertical section. The next part is just above that, to the right of a scale. Just above the second part is a Winged Cloud containing five hearts. The third part is found near the top of this section, hidden by some leaves. The fourth and final part is at the top of the section, carried around by a Fly Guy. To the right is a tree pinecones fall out of, as well as two acorns resembling acorns. A Shy Guy sits on the smaller acorn, while there is a Winged Cloud above the larger owl. If Yoshi hits it, a Smiley Flower appears, along with two groups of coins in the shapes of hearts. After collecting all four parts, Yoshi can use the slide at the top left of the section, then head right to the bus stop. After Yoshi tosses the three parts at the bus stop to repair it, he sits and waits for the bus. Once the bus arrives, a staircase opens in the back, allowing Yoshi to get onto the roof. Along the way, Yoshi encounters a few last Flutters, with the last Smiley Flower and the last two red coins. When the bus stops, Yoshi must ride one last scale lift. As Yoshi rides down, owl acorns drop in the background and start rolling down, each bigger than the last. At the end of the lift, some coins appear and drop down, and Yoshi finally reaches the goal. Flip side[edit]There are three Donguri Heyho waiting on each lift, keeping it from moving back up until Yoshi boards.
Collectibles[edit]Smiley Flowers[edit]
Three more Smiley Flowers are awarded for collecting at least 100 coins in the level, completing the level with 20 hearts, and collecting all 20 Red Coins. In the flip side, three are awarded for bringing all three Poochy Pups to the goal, and one more for doing so within three minutes and thirty seconds. Crafts[edit]Found on the front side:
Found on the front side:
Found on the flip side:
Sprout[edit]In the first lift section, Sprout's box can be spotted in a tree in the background. Enemies[edit]