Yoshi's Crafted World Tv Tropes

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Heya! Spoilers here for most of the Yoshi Series!

Alright, so Crafted World is a pretty fun game. You've got your average Yoshi stuff, tropical freeze levels of... Well, level design, and pretty good bosses! Heck, the final showdown was pretty neat too. But the premise of the fight has kind of bugged me for a while now. Take a look at these images.

Feb 13, 2017  When Yoshi’s Woolly World came out on Wii U in 2015, its well-hidden collectibles seemed at odds with its often breezy platforming-most of the challenge was in finding its secrets, so opting to.

All four of these show a common object. A giant form of Bowser, baby or not, standing in the background and Yoshi fighting him in the foreground. This is upon 4 out of 5 main games in the series, and Crafted World's is still similar even! And the main issue is that throughout these games, not one gives you a genuine fight with the main problem you face on your journey. Join me here today as I discuss what makes final boss fights satisfying, and why a bigger Baby Bowser is a BIG problem.

Yoshi has a Final Boss Problem

What's Wrong with Baby Bowser?

Okay, I want to get this out of the way before we get to the REAL turtle meat. Baby Bowser, at least in Woolly World, New Island, and DS, is a problem. I'll get to Crafted World and Yoshi's Island in a second, but let's focus on these three for now.

Okay, so you've just been on this large, invigorating journey with Yoshi, and through the castles you've faced large bosses that challenge your skills with the Green (or Red, Blue, ect.) dinosaur. You get to the final castle, expecting some eldritch horror that Kamek has cooked up, or maybe even a fight with the magikoopa himself! You go through the grueling final level, and you find...

'Oh great, this guy again.' Is what likely rings out in the minds of most who have played a Yoshi game. Each one of these encounters plays out exactly the same, and while there are SLIGHT exceptions to these rules, it still applies!

1. A Baby Bowser fight plays out, but it's rather easy comparing it to the other bosses in the game

2. Baby Bowser gets crushed, Kamek interferes and a larger, bigger Bowser fight ensues

3. The bigger fight takes place in a large castle area, with a large Bowser in the background

See what I mean?

And this sounds like a really big leap in logic, it's not! Heck, this suprisingly even applies to Crafted World, in which the game's Mcguffin is controlled by Kamek and Baby Bowser is like, mechanized or something? But the pre-fight is actually a Baby Bowser Robot, but it still turns into this for the final boss, so I don't think it takes on a super big conflict with my claim.

Okay, but what about the original? I think this is the one case where the Baby Bowser twist works. You've been spending the whole game with Baby Mario, going after Baby Luigi. It's a good twist to see that Baby Bowser is there after all, and it even applies to the final battle, where a kickass metal guitar blares in the background as Yoshi has his first bout with Baby Bowser, showing off just how much of a threat the koopa is just as a baby. This is the only game I could consider okay, but it still has a problem, like the rest of these. But to understand this we need to dive into what makes a final boss, well, good.

What makes a Final Boss GOOD?

A Sub-Trope of Boss Battle, the Final Boss is the last major challenge in many video games. They will usually be much harder to defeat than all of the enemies the player has faced thus far (as always, there are exceptions), and will be prone to making a suitably grand entrance for their stature. These may also be known as 'the Boss of the Game'.

-TV Tropes, Final Boss Battle

Defined by TV Tropes as, uh, that; Final Bosses are the final challenge of the game that are built up usually through story bits, especially in Nintendo games. From the Snowmads and Kremlings from Donkey Kong, to Ganondorf in basically every Zelda Game, to even Bowser and Bowser Jr. In the New Mario Bros games, it's obvious that Final Boss battles are meant to be built up, to join that Nintendo 'Gallery' of epic conflicts that have waged throughout it's IPs for a while.

Meanwhile, our amigo Yoshi just... Sees Baby Bowser right at the end of the game. They fight, and it's over. And it's the same thing EVERY TIME. 3 rules, applied over the Yoshi series. It's getting boring, whether the mechanics per fight are different, or exactly the same! *cough* New Island *cough*

Okay, but I've ranted for a while now. What would I do to fix this? The simple answer is use a different, more interesting character to make a final boss fight out of. My canidate for Yoshi's final boss solution is... Kamek.

Yoshi's Crafted World Tv Tropes List

Kamek is PERFECT for a Final Boss!

Alright, let me explain.

Through the Yoshi Games, who did you chase through the worlds? Kamek. Who gave you giant bosses to fight, and a motive to go through the games? Kamek. Who MAKES BABY BOWSER A REASONABLE CHALLENGE TO FIGHT??? If you disagree with me on this I genuinely want to know why, please comment, but this is just too good of a shot at a great final boss. All the magic capabilities in the world, and he's wasting it on a BABY?

No, Kamek should put his foot down, and go toe-to-toe with his 'Mario', Yoshi. I don't have many ideas with the boss fight itself, but if the game has a theme (like Woolly and Crafted World's theme of arts and crafts, but more down to earth) Kamek's Magic can influence it and it's enemies to make a creative and satisfying boss battle, and it would be a lot better than just a bigger Bowser for the 6th time.

This has been Venger, signing out.

Nintendo revealed during the Nintendo Direct presentation on Wednesday that its Yoshi's Crafted World Switch game will ship on March 29. A demo for the game is available now.

Nintendoannounced the game for Nintendo Switch at the E3 event in June 2017 and the game was originally slated to launch last year, but was delayed until this year.

Nintendo describes the game:

Yoshi's Crafted World Tv Tropes

Lead Yoshi on a brand new adventure that will turn everything you've come to expect from side-scrolling games upside down! Explore a great, big world decorated like a miniature diorama in a new art style for the franchise, where each side-scrolling stage has the traditional front side as well as a flip side with different views and surprises. Look for items throughout the stage as Yoshi makes his way to the goal. You can even join up with a friend!

Good-Feel is developing the game.


The most recent game in the franchise, Yoshi's Woolly World, received a Nintendo 3DS port titled Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World in February 2017.

Sources: Nintendo Direct presentation, Nintendo of America's Twitter account

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