Yoshi's Crafted World Walmart

Mar 12, 2020 Get it at Walmart for $298.99; Yoshi's Crafted World for $39.99 If you're looking for more polished 2D platforming goodness, give Yoshi's Crafted World a whirl. This game is the spiritual. Buy Yoshi’s Crafted World (Nintendo Switch) from Walmart Canada. Shop for more Nintendo Switch Games available online at Walmart.ca.

While the Wii U seemed to be nearly overflowing with platformers based on Nintendo's most beloved mascots, the Nintendo Switch by comparison is still lacking a few of the most important platforming pals. Enter Yoshi, for Yoshi's Crafted World, which appears to be exactly the kind of wholesome Nintendo action platforming that fans of Nintendo's development studios love. This is the same Yoshi game that was originally announced at E3 2017, and after a long development, its release appears to finally be approaching.

Here's everything we know so far about what you'll get to do in Yoshi's Crafted World:

What is Yoshi's Crafted World?

Yoshi's Crafted World is the latest Yoshi title from Good-Feel, following Yoshi's Woolly World for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. It shares many similarities with its predecessor, the most obvious being that it's another Yoshi action-platforming game. But both games make use of a crafts-like aesthetic, with Woolly World focusing on fabrics and Crafted World using paper items in the style of a miniature diorama. Most of Woolly World's mechanics, enemies, and concepts make returns in Crafted World, though the game and its levels are entirely new.

One of the big draws of Yoshi's Crafted World is this craft aesthetic, which can manifest in interesting platforming sections where you're leaping across rolled bits of paper, flowers made of wood and string, and facing enemies that look like a 5-year-old made them in art class!

Is there a story?

Like many other Yoshi games, there is a light story guiding your adventures across Yoshi's island home. Baby Bowser and Kamek appear in the Yoshi's happy home and steal the coveted Sundream Stone, scattering its gems across multiple worlds. As Yoshi, you'll have to track down the Sundream Stone and stop a horde of Baby Bowser and Kamek's minions along the way. That means lots of collectibles and hidden secrets, just like in past Yoshi games!

How do you play?

Like past Yoshi games, Yoshi's main abilities are his flutter jump and his ability to eat enemies and turn them into eggs. As a platformer, you'll need to use Yoshi's ability to jump and flutter jump to climb and cross levels. But enemies will fly, run, and roll at you as you go, so you'll also have to work your way forward by eating them, turning them into eggs, and then using those eggs to throw at other enemies or at certain spots on the map to reveal hidden platforms or secrets.

And like its predecessor Yoshi's Woolly World, Yoshi's Crafted World will feature unlockable Yoshi color palettes you can swap to as you collect them, allowing you to play as an adorably soft Yoshi in any number of different colors and patterns.

What's this about flipping levels?

The big 'gimmick' of Yoshi's Crafted World is that levels can be 'flipped.' Levels are designed on a three-dimensional plane, with enemies in the foreground and background and with the ability to flip the level backward and play from the other side. This is occasionally done as a part of the regular gameplay of the level, but you can also play any level from back to front flipped over after you beat it forward.

This doesn't just apply to the game's flip mechanics, though. Because the game is a 2D platformer on a 3D plane, you'll often find yourself moving forward and back in a three-dimensional space to avoid enemies, collect items and coins, and platform through obstacles.

This will surely result in some interesting challenges and platforming puzzles, so keep an eye out for ways flipping the level can change your perspective!

Can I play with a friend?

Amazon Yoshi

You can! Yoshi's Crafted World includes the ability to play with two players at once, each in control of a Yoshi. You can help one another get through all the levels for a bit of extra assistance you wouldn't otherwise have while playing solo.

When can I get it?

Yoshi's Woolly World is planned for launch on March 29, 2019 and will cost $59.99.

Want to know more?

Need more details on Yoshi's Crafted World? Let me know in the comments!

February 2019: Added release date, story info, info about Yoshi color palettes.

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Yoshi's Crafted World is out now on the Nintendo Switch, and it's another great example of a Nintendo platformer featuring a broad range of challenging and easy content. Depending on your skill and interest level, you can easily breeze through the game without a care in the world, or you can challenge yourself to collect every single hidden item, unlock the hidden levels, and beat every boss. Regardless, Yoshi's Crafted World will give you the tools you need to overcome however difficult a goal you set for yourself.

Whether you're floating by on Mellow Mode or trying to find that last hidden Smiley Flower, here are some tips and tricks for Yoshi's Crafted World that will hopefully help you collect the gems and free the world from Kamek and Baby Bowser once again:

Decide how much you want to collect

Yoshi's Crafted World is not especially difficult to beat if your aim is just to get through levels. You can easily slap on Mellow Mode and float on through. But the meat of the game is in its collectibles. Some of those are required to proceed, but not many. The rest are just for fun and exploration. With that in mind, you'll want to decide early on how dedicated you are to collecting them all, then focus your goals in each stage accordingly.

You can get by each level just by grabbing a handful of things. You'll likely want to aim for the easiest Smiley Flowers, which are almost always 100 coins and a few of the more visible flowers within the level. Heart Smiley Flowers can be easy as well, but sometimes they'll trip you up with a hidden ? cloud. Once you get past the first few areas, you can also return and do the level backwards, collecting Poochy Pups for one free Smiley Flower per pup. The pups usually aren't too hard to find, especially if you aren't worried about the time limit.

Keeping expectations low, you'll get through the game fine. However, if you're someone who wants to 100% the game...

Repeat levels

Sorry, but you'll very likely have to repeat some levels multiple times to get everything. You'll miss items almost as a guarantee, but there are also some points in levels that are effectively points of no return (an early example of this is riding the train in the very first level). Once you do something in particular, you won't be able to go back and reach things. Or if you fail something like a blue coin collection challenge, you won't be able to do it again in that run of the level. You'll have to start it over for another shot at it.

There's nothing wrong with redoing a level, as you'll already have collected a great deal of the level's items and can just breeze by them while looking for the one you want. Smiley Flowers in particular are easy to gauge where to look, as they'll appear on your menu in the order they appear in the level. If you've collected the second and fourth Smiley Flower, for instance, you know to look in between those two locations for the third.

Walk everywhere

One of the biggest tricks of Yoshi games is hiding invisible ? clouds in hard-to-reach places, or just off the path where you might not necessarily go. These clouds will become visible if you throw an egg at the spot they're in, or if you touch them with Yoshi. However, when they're tucked away in areas you're not already in or throwing things at, they're easy to miss! And they often contain coins, hearts, or sometimes access to Smiley Flowers you need to 100% a level.

If you're struggling to find something, try walking and jumping Yoshi through any areas of seemingly empty space, or areas that may have enemies but not much else. Little alcoves below platforms, or blank spaces next to walls often hide blocks like this. And if you're still struggling to find that last block, you can always just switch modes...

Switch to Mellow Mode

There's no shame in swapping to Mellow Mode. Seriously! Mellow Mode doesn't just give you infinite flutter jumps and a better ability to take damage. It also will notify you when a Smiley Flower is nearby, and reveal all invisible ? clouds. You can toggle it on and off at any time, so you don't need to play the whole game with it on. Just turn the mode on if you're really having trouble finding a particular collectible, grab it, and move on!

Or, alternatively, play as much of the game as you like with this mode on and enjoy a breezy, untroubled experience. Mellow Mode doesn't just make it easier to find collectibles - it also makes it less of a struggle to overcome enemies, obstacles, and platforming challenges, especially as they amp up the difficulty late in the game.

Play with a friend

Another way to make the game a bit easier on all fronts is to bring a friend along. Yoshi's Crafted World has drop-in/out co-op, so you can play with a second Yoshi in the room at any time. Your friend will have all the same abilities you do, so they can help you defeat enemies, continue even if you're defeated, ensure you have enough eggs with you to find secrets, and help you find hidden areas. Plus, the game's even more fun when you bring someone along with you.


Don costumes

Finally, another simple way to overcome some challenges in Yoshi's Crafted World is to make sure your Yoshi is always wearing a costume. Costumes aren't just adorable, they also help Yoshi be able to handle more damage. If you're struggling with bosses or enemies or falling into pits, a costume is a good way to protect yourself from danger.

Yoshi's Crafted World Sales

Costumes that are rarer can take more damage, and it's very easy to get one. Once you encounter the first gachapon machine, keep returning to it and putting coins in until you have the Super Rare costume within. You'll never get duplicates and your costumes are never permanently destroyed, so you're guaranteed to get the rarest costumes fairly quickly if you just keep trying, especially since the early levels have so many easy to get coins. Then, just make sure you put the costume on before you head into a level, and you'll have an extra layer of cardboard protection against the Shy Guys!

Any questions?

It's hard to get lost or stuck in Yoshi's Crafted World, but if you're struggling to find the best way to play, let me know in the comments and I'll try to help!

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